Hey everyone! I just want to say to remember and be safe with covid19 going around. We need to respond accordingly to what it's doing in our area. Dont panic because that can make things worse. Watch out for those around who cant watch out for themselves like the elderly, children, and those with compromised immune systems. Remember that God has a plan for everything. Yes people will die, but we should give our worries to God. Also, if we are doing out jobs as Christian's and sharing him with those in out lives, we wouldnt have reason to fear their passing. Yes, it will be terrible and we will be upset, but they will be with him in Heaven. Use this as a reminder to care about your neighbor and fulfill the Great Commission.
If you have any questions about what I'm saying please PM me. I would love to talk to you about it, get your POV, etc.
Be safe and be a zealot for God!
-Aza Grey