Im going to have to sleep in the car tonight (storytime) So i went 2 the theater w my nan, but halfway thru it got stopped cus of sever weather warning of snow. So me and my nan get out the theater , and the snow is so bad u cant see. My grandad was supposed to be picking us up, but theres no chance thats happening cus the snow and ice is so dangerous to drive on. That means i cant go home to my mums. So we walk about a mile up a hill, and see my grandad in his car , but now we cant get up the hill. We have a shovel in the car for emergencies, so we use that to help us get up, this takes about half an hour. We finally get up the hill, and drive smoothly for a while, until we hit another hill (where i am now). It is completely jammed, hundreds of cars unable to move, so we arent gonna be able to get home. They are stating to talk about leaving the car and walking the 4 miles home..

@YourLocalJayOfc I mean I have slept in the car before so it isn't that uncomfortable