
I'd love to hear everyone's feedback. What'd you guys think of the last chapter? I'd love to talk to you guys. Still pretty unreal to me that there's someone in the world that reads the hard work I put into devil child. I always write to th best of my ability and really hope I won't disappoint you guys. Thank you so much for reading and voting!


Hello my loves! I am back but have created a new account @arcturianliberation 
          I have tried numerous times to connect to this account. I don't have access to the email linked with it and have forgotten my password over the years. My writing has taken a drastic shift over the time I've been away, since I have committed to yogic vows. While I haven't written anything in a while, I am getting back to it. 
          I wish I could finish the books I left you off with but I am not in that mental space anymore. At the time, they got me through a lot and I will always appreciate the love and support that surrounded them. Thank you to each and every one of you. If you want to remain in contact with me or read what I'm working on, I'll be using this account from here on out. 
          I hope each and every one of you has been well! Mahal kita <3


Hi I hope you're okay. You haven't been online for a while so I was just a bit worried.


@omgzhg101 hi! I'm so sorry, I just saw your message! I haven't logged in in a long time. It's been a crazy last six months. Next time I update one of my books I'm sure I'll ramble on about what's been going on lol. But I've finally started writing again, so fingers crossed that I'll finish it and update sometime this month.  I hope you are well!


Hey guys! I'm going to try and update Dream Deceiver tonight...tomorrow at the latest. I wanted to get the second chapter done sooner but last week was hectic - Monday I ended up in the ER...I'm fine but my guess would be that it was one of my many illnesses. I fainted (very normal for me...happens at least once a day), broke out in a weird rash (not usual), started violently shaking when I came to, started having very strange jerks/twitching/spams in my legs (I have muscle spasms on a daily basis but this was very different) and could barely breathe and swallow. I don't really know what to think of it, other than not good.
          Tuesday I still wasn't feeling my best so I couldn't write, Wednesday I had the cardiologist, Thursday a 5 hour pain clinic (which was individual and I know will really help me. This team of doctors is excellent), and Friday an MRI of my brain and some blood work since they think it's very possible I could have a rare neurological disease. So, all in all, fun week. Lol no way in hell! I finally had time to start writing last night! Hope I can get this chapter done by morning but we'll see what happens...I feel like shit today.
          -- Amanda


Hey guys! I'm so, so sorry about not updating for weeks! Ugh I've been way too busy and when I'm not busy, too much pain to function. Right now, I'm writing the world's longest chapter for Sin After Sin so hopefully it'll be up on Sunday or Monday. I've been working on it for weeks. When it is finally written and edited, it'll totally be worth it! It's probably going to be two to three times the length of the longest chapter I've ever written, so you'll technically have a lot to read. And it's pretty thrilling...and gory...pretty satanic actually. I think you guys will really dig it once it's up. As far as Dream Deceiver goes...the plan is to finish the chapter of Sin After Sin, then try to write a few chapters of Dream Deceiver to make up for the long ass wait on it. Again...so sorry. 
          If you were wondering what I've been up to, it's pretty much pain haha. I did this pain rehab thing a few days ago at Mayo Clinic and just...no. It was terrible. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. My pain has pretty much been a 10 24/7 so it's been extremely hard for me to write. I can't even sit up without passing out from the pain.
          I saw a doctor today that will actually HELP me which is...a first actually. No doctor has ever been willing to do that. My pain is too complicated and involves too many different types of pain with so many different illnesses that doctors just give up. I'm happy but I'm gonna be on a HELL of a lot of medications. They're upping my Gabapentin to 2700 (from 1800 in 4-5 weeks...fuck I'll be a zombie) and adding in loads of new meds so it's just going to be madness for me. so if my writing isn't my best, you know why. 
          But hopefully you guys are good. Sorry for the long ass message but I felt it was needed since I feel like I haven't talked to you guys in forever.I'll make sure chapter 5 is worth it. Although I will warn you now, it's so gory and intense that I'm putting a disclaimer on it. 
          --- Amanda