❝A writer is simply a photographer of thoughts.❞


A B O U T :

• my name is vic
• I'm a short teen with big dreams (oh hey, that rhymed!)
• I think George Shelley is like the hottest muffin ever, and if you disagree then I will shove a donut in your face; eat it, it's free
• bands are the loml
• they say to choose your own future, so I told them I want a future living in a fridge
• no, but seriously
• turtles. can. fly. end of discussion.
• I'm the kind of person who can live off blueberries. just blueberries. idc
• I can be dramatic and annoying one minute and then become crazy and annoying in another
• if you ever meet me in real life, I pity you - I'm super awkward
• I ignore texts just to read/write; whoops
• books = food ;; I honestly can't decide between them


W O R K S:

• Werewolf Cinderella (2014-2016) - DISCONTINUED
• Happy Without You (2015-2016) - removed for editing
• Until the First Snowfall (2017) - completed
• Thirty-Six Questions (2018) - ongoing

❝The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.❞ -Sylvia Plath


This is just here to satisfy @lilies_roses.
  • lurking
  • RegistriertSeptember 21, 2014

Letzte Nachricht
wildstripes wildstripes Dec 26, 2018 10:11PM
Hi guys! I just posted a new story (called Thirty-Six Questions). Check it out when you have time. Ty! :)
Alle Unterhaltungen anzeigen

Geschichten von vic
Werewolf Cinderella von wildstripes
Werewolf Cinderella
❝Even fairytales can be complicated.❞ After her father was murdered right in front of her eyes, Kri...
Until the First Snowfall von wildstripes
Until the First Snowfall
❝I first met him on a bright, sunny day, yet we parted on a cold, snowy day.❞ A writer, suffering f...
Happy Without You von wildstripes
Happy Without You
❝Love isn't everything. I don't need it. I can be happy without it, without you. And I'll prove it to you.❞ ...
1 Leseliste
