
You do realize you're supporting a murderous ideology. Mao has killed millions as well as Stalin who are both communist dictators. 


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@Saphira_Glam ah yes do you know that those "millions killed by communism" are greatly exaggerated or not responsible by the communist party plus the whole idea that communism killed millions is from the black book of communism which is an incredibly false and inaccurate list. i'm not gonna deny that people died but the numbers are false plus capitalism has probably killed more people than capitalism as many have died in america alone from lack of food,water or easily preventable diseases or injury. every ideology is inherently murderous that comment can't even be applied to communism alone. if you are gonna say shit about the "holodomor famine" you should know that the communist government in the ussr was not responsible as kulaks in ukraine (who were wealthy and greedy landlords) decided to burn their crops and kill their livestock to oppose the soviet government and were also later members of the ukrainian SS who actively killed jewish people in the pogroms. silence capitalist