(" J'étudie LE français à l'école et j'EN suis encore à apprendre ) the Le is really important because it is a name and EN is part of an expression so don't worry about it !!
@ jacintascott1d
Hi ! No problems ! I have to say I am a big fan of your story soccer vs football and I can't wait to read what is to come ! (excuse my english ! ^^)
Hi !! You don't have to thank me it was a really great story ! I will go back when I can to vote on the other chapters ! It is a really good job you have done there ! ;)
(" J'étudie LE français à l'école et j'EN suis encore à apprendre ) the Le is really important because it is a name and EN is part of an expression so don't worry about it !!
Hi Olivia !! I am going to read your story and see what I can do but it's my turn to say that I am still learning english !! ^^
And don't worry it was understable !