
Sorry I haven't been active or updating on my story recently. I've had a really bad writers block and it's driving me nuts. I've been trying to push myself to write the story but everytime I write something down it's either bland or I'm not satisfied with it and I want the very best content for you guys to read so it's not just filler. Again I'm terribly sorry I'll get back in the loop soon. Thank you for all your lovely comments and for being patient. Love you guys!!


Of course right after I post this I get an idea for the next chapter. New part coming soon! :))


Sorry I haven't been active or updating on my story recently. I've had a really bad writers block and it's driving me nuts. I've been trying to push myself to write the story but everytime I write something down it's either bland or I'm not satisfied with it and I want the very best content for you guys to read so it's not just filler. Again I'm terribly sorry I'll get back in the loop soon. Thank you for all your lovely comments and for being patient. Love you guys!!


Of course right after I post this I get an idea for the next chapter. New part coming soon! :))