
She breaks a billion hearts. I know I'm next in line. But I don't mind. Oh oh oh oh.


I've been a member of this website for about 4 months now!
          (I started in Auqust).
          I'm not extremely active :(
          As you can see, i've only read about 4 one direction stories on here.
          Here are my favories. CHECK THEM OUT. YOU WILL NOT BE SORRY.
          ^ I love this story because the main character has an amaizng personality. It made me crack up a lot of times! :)
          I HIGHLY recommend it!
          ^ Thi s  story is more unknown, as the first story i mentioned had like 100,000+ reads, and this one only has 300+, but it's really, really good, and your in for a laugh if you read it.
          it focuses on harry a lot, and the first one focuses on louiis more ;)


btw, the second story has a tumblr!!
            http://www.psycho--logy.tumblr.com   couldnt forget. lol