I'm feeling ecstatic because I've been wanting to do something I want to do that I hadn't done in a long while - horseback riding lessons. Tomorrow Thursday I'm going to meet the horses, and Tuesday will be my official lesson. Both English and Western riding lessons. I've done English before from my past lessons but never done Western, something I dreamed of doing. Is Western my favorite kind of riding? Heh, I like both English and Western, since, you know, it's hard to choose just one kind of riding. Tomorrow I'm going to meet the horses, bringing them apple slices - I prefer giving them sliced apples rather than whole ones - and I have to pay for each lesson. I'm not going to say the price, but it's something I have to do. So that means I have to save money so I'm not low on it, and try not to buy too many diamond art pieces from now on. It sounds silly, however, it's worth it.