
guys the voices are telling me he’s in love w me (he doesn’t know me and is 4 years older then me)


@wimpy_simpy real ( I’ve been on delivered for a whole day now )


Lol my life is literally falling apart and I actually feel so scared and I try to like not fall apart and cry but it’s really hard to not break down cry and just like idk end my life but if I did my mom would  be so so so devastated and I don’t want that for her. Lol just needed to get that off my chest.


I’m actually on the verge of just telling my ‘best friend’ I don’t wanna be friends anymore bc she keeps telling me we’ll hangout when she’s off work and then goes and drives 4 hours to spend 1 night with her long distance bf who happens to be my step brother. And it’s crazy bc when they first started dating she promised that I would come first and it would be the same if I got a bf and yet the only time we spent together these past few weeks is just the drive home from his moms house and most the time we’re just on ft bc she’s spending the night so I can’t go and after she spends the night he comes home with him so she’s literally spending all her time with him and doesn’t have to time for anything anymore but she gets mad at me when I leave without telling her bc she’s bringing him over to my moms house so they can hangout with her and not me bc she doesn’t like to be at her own house….. just thought I’d get that off my chest 


Don't you love it when everyone is all of a sudden "busy" or can't do something because they promised someone else something. Literally both my best friends canceled plans we had today to do other stuff though we planned this like 3 weeks ago.