
Hi I would love to write a book inspired by your work Fatal Love. I want to emphasize that my intention is to honor your original creation and offer a unique perspective rather than replicate your story. If you have any guidelines or conditions, I would be more than happy to discuss them and ensure that I proceed in a way that aligns with your wishes.
          I greatly appreciate your consideration and would love to hear your thoughts.❤️


@ LightningMcSteamy  Hiii. I get it, I don't mind until the plot unfolds exactly the same. I'd love to help and then I'd love to read your story! Sending lots of Love!


Fatal love story line okay ! 
          But limited sibling scene.
          And major plot hole 
          There was a letter from her supposed mother and even a women visited their house . There was a hostility there but there was no proper scene this justify this plot.