
this message may be offensive
I have to stop ranting here. Anyway, after trying to be more easygoing with everyone, I realized I should be comfortable being an insane cunt and just straight up say the most unhinged thing I can think of even though I don’t believe in it just to shock people bcs sometimes they deserve


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@winchestersalvat real shit 


this message may be offensive
I have to stop ranting here. Anyway, after trying to be more easygoing with everyone, I realized I should be comfortable being an insane cunt and just straight up say the most unhinged thing I can think of even though I don’t believe in it just to shock people bcs sometimes they deserve


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@winchestersalvat real shit 


People who complains about places online where you can get books for free are really something else. Some people don’t have money, babes. There are 2 options: Someone can read it for free, talk about how good the book is and spread the word until it reaches people who can buy it or the same person doesn’t read, doesn’t share anything about it and this won’t help reaching people who can afford it and then no one buys or reads the book. Did I pay for it? Yes, will I stop someone who can’t from getting it for free? No


That’s why it’s better keep it low with the names of safe websites or else some precious creature will LOVE to give their contributions to take it down 


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I owe you an apology. 
          Idk if you remember, but we had a convo a long time ago, where we talked about OCD and you said that the community gets mad when someone labels small things/everything as ocd. And i disagreed with that. 
          Today i understood what you meant, cuz how the fuck are people saying they have this disorder just because they get annoyed when people cross over the lines when they are coloring? And how did they just diagnosed our professor with this disorder, just because she likes to have all the desks straight? 


@cardansnemesis if they actually saw a person with a high level of ocd openly showing their compulsions they would definitely think she is crazy 


@winchestersalvat and the trust thing you just damn. In our minds, we think we are the only ones who could do that one thing perfectly. My teacher may or may not have that disorder, i do wish she doesn't, but still it doesn't feel right to just diagnose someone by doing such a simple act. 


@winchestersalvat well when it comes to my teacher...she always rearranges the whole class by herself. And i love her for it. When Everything is in its place, then she continues on her lecture and i love her for it. She even puts the chairs in the same line as the others. 


Just suffered a car accident, 2025 lore is stroooong 


@winchestersalvat phew, i am glad you're fine now. I hope no one else got hurt 


@cardansnemesis im fine now but being in a spinning car is a very strange experience (I wasn’t driving, I was the passenger). Aside from hurting my legs a little bit and some body ache I’m okay


@winchestersalvat girl what the hell, are you okay? 


It’s probably mean but I find it funny seeing adults going crazy over the idea of teens reading books with explicit content and the dangers of the internet. While I do think they have good points, their child is the danger on the internet, their teenagers are probably writing the most questionable piece of literature in human history on AO3 and they are probably having some conversations with their friends that would give their parents a heart attack. I’m not a snitch, of course, I sold my soul to the fanfic writers ages ago, but I have to laugh bcs those adults have no idea how massive the community is, it has its own culture at this point 


I thought the fact that everyone know After was written by a 15 year old would ring the alarm to them and the community would be exposed but they missed this one 