
I've got a few chapters of 'Return of the Emerson' back up! Hope you enjoy the first four chapters! I will try and get a few chapters up everyday till they are all back up, and I can continue writing new chapters again.
          	-Naz <3


This morning all my books got deleted off my account. I have Emerson Family, Return to the Emerson’s, and Lexi’s Life backed up. I did not have any of my other books backed up. 
          I plan to get ‘Return to the Emerson’s’ back up first. I’m going to go through and edit the chapters a little to fix any mistakes. I will upload chapters as I get them down. 
          Afterwards I am going to go through and edit ‘Emerson Family’. It will need a lot more editing, then ‘Lexi’s Life’.
          Be on the lookout, I will try and get a few chapters of ‘Return to the Emerson’s’ up tonight. If not definitely tomorrow. 
          Thank you for all the support! 
          -Naz <3 


@Buddybearteddy24 thank you for the advice! appreciate it! 


@winchesterswriter I am so sorry, I have had my stories deleted several times on this app since I started writing in 2020. It is really sad that the app hides behind some sense of community action due to so called breaking of guidelines when there are many many other stories out there that are much worse in content than ours. But because our type of community (the spanking community) is looked down on as being wrong our stories get picked off and deleted.  Yet a story that depicts murder and torture in detail will win awards on this platform.
            Getting off my soapbox!! I am glad you had some of them backed up. I am sorry you lost your earlier works. Maybe any reader you have out there may find it in their library could help you recover them that way. I know another writer that recovered her book that way. 
            We are here for you let us know what we can do to support you through this?


@WieneHutJr yeah, glad i had them back up. 


Hey, all your stories are gone, is it just for me or is anyone else experiencing this too?


@Lololove567 yeah, me too. i would have been really upset if i didn’t back them up. 


@Lololove567 oh no, it's good you backed them up, got worried for a second


yep they got deleted. i’m going to make an announcement about it later. don’t worry i have them backed up. i’ll get them back up asap. 


I am going to be going through all my chapters for both 'Emerson Family' and 'Return of the Emerson's'. I will be fixing any grammar mistakes I have made. The storyline will not change, but I may rewrite some of the chapters to make my writing better.
          I have decided I'm at least going to edit one chapter a week but it may be more. Just so I have enough time to write a new chapter plus edit my previous ones.
          I will be starting with 'Return to the Emerson's', then I will work on 'Emerson Family'. 


@Buddybearteddy24 thank you, i appreciate that! 


@winchesterswriter I have found, doing that with my books has been rewarding. I can see how much I've grown as a writer and at the same time I came to appreciate my own writing. If you need any help or advice let me know. I would be happy to help. ❤️❤️❤️


Your books are very great! If you want prompts hit me up❤️ also a one d themed book would be soo great if you are intrested writing one! 


thank you so much! i love when people give positive feedback! i will take any prompts you have, im open to them! i don’t know much about 1D but maybe I will. 