@delectable-duo oh far out honestly hun you need to take time for just you yes updates are important to to your followers BUT¡!¡ your health is more important take time for just you dont rush your updates good things take time.. Every person has an option on everything you do you can listen to it but dosnt mean you have to take it on bord us humans are starting to lack compassion and respect for others please don't let your anxiety tear you down give it the middle finger and the F. U easier said than done.. What your doing is obviously good if you have people nagging you think positive message me any time if you like no pressure! :-D
@1MiSsiSsiPpi2 (( I'm tired of everything going on rn. I was forced(by myself) to keep everyone updated on the marina joyce situation and it gave me an anxiety attack...))
OKAY SO I TWEETED HIM WITH "tweet me something and i'll put it in my bio" AND HE REPLIED WITH "Chatterbate Girl - 10,000 Loops on Vine - Huge Kermit the Frog supporter"