@Lamar4605 OHHH MYY GOOODDD!!!!!! i can't believe you're actually here!!!!! my friend !!!!! wahhhhh!!!!!✨✨✨okay um yeah "her human". it's just as you've heard girl, it is an amazing story. brain hurt, well it does seem like that at the start because you have to join the dots yourself to see where the story is going but I promise you it's amazing. go read it!!! i put it off due to my exams for the last few months but I'm going to continue now that I'm free. we can read it together if you want the writing style is fantastic like the imagery, the elements my god!! i wanna work to be a writer like her she is just that amazing. the plot Is sort of complex at the start but that's where you just have to continue with patience because as the chapters go on, it's easier to understand. especially with the elements of hell and angels and all that, I do understand why it hurts your braintoo much information but it's all worth it. do read it it's an awesome story. is that enough of a push by the way do you have insta? if you don't mind me asking.