
Hey lovelies!
          	Thank you so much for 100+ followers. It's been like a year since I joined WP and I have really enjoyed being here, reading all the awesome-sauce stories and connecting with you lovely people. A big thank you to each and every one of you who hit the follow button. I love you all! !❤
          	*hands all of you an enormously huge tub of ice-cream and hugs you all super tight*
          	Have a great day ahead! ^.^


I MISS YOU SOO MUCH. come back soon, please?


@Sakshi_007 thanks a lot. tomorrow i have my math exam...i am gonna need your wishes. :p


@Arzoo_202 hi! yeah i totally understand the situation you're in right now. good luck on your exams and i hope you get some time in future so that you can get back to doing what you love the most, until then i'm going to miss you.


@Sakshi_007 hey! i miss you a hell lot too. trust me all i want to do right now is shut the world out and just read and read and you read but my schedule is all packed. :/
            my exams have started and everything has been hectic. i don't know when i am going to resume wattpading but all i know is i miss reading an awful lot. :(


Hi Arzoo! 
          We @Writers365 have come up with this campaign called Broken Perceptions.
          It's a campaign to identify the social problems and make a joint effort towards it change. 
          Look for it in the VOICE OUT YOUR BROKEN PERCEPTIONS book! 

          I hope to see you tag along and stand up for the change we've decided to chase. 
          Join along, spread the word. 
          Regards and much love, 
          Jayati Arora 
          From Writers365 team. 


Hey lovelies!
          Thank you so much for 100+ followers. It's been like a year since I joined WP and I have really enjoyed being here, reading all the awesome-sauce stories and connecting with you lovely people. A big thank you to each and every one of you who hit the follow button. I love you all! !❤
          *hands all of you an enormously huge tub of ice-cream and hugs you all super tight*
          Have a great day ahead! ^.^


Hey Aarzoo, 
          It's pleasing to find another Gujarati in this big Wattpad world. 
          Btw, if you like poetry, do give my RAT AND JULIET a chance. Amd yes, I'll appreciate every criticism you give :-) 


@Arzoo_202 haha...sorry for misspelling your name. And yes, poetry is something that I absolutely adore as well. 


@cchinu Hi there!
            Firstly, you didn't get my name right. :P
            Secondly, 'like' will be an understatement because I absolutely LOVE poetry. It's great how just a few words can describe the whirlwind of emotions you are feeling at a moment. And yeah, I will definitely give it a try and let you know how I feel about it. It will take me some time to complete the entire book though, as I am busy with things that I do on a regular basis. :)
            Happy wattpadding, fellow Gujarati! ^.^


this message may be offensive
Hello peeps!
          So a few days back I was tagged by a friend, @IshyFishy12355 to write 13 random facts about myself. So, they are as follows:
          1. I just love love love FRIENDS tv show. I can speak fluent FRIENDS all day. :P
          2. Lizards, frogs and other such jumpy creatures creep me out to an extent you can't imagine.
          3. I am very damn lazy. Breathing, reading, sleeping and eating are the only things you don't have to force me to do.
          4. I am a big big foodie! I have a very humongous appetite and pizzas and chocolates are my babies! ;) :P
          5. I have an obsession with hand-written letters.
          6. I am an introvert and socially awkward.
          7. I love the smell and taste of caffeine. Just a cup of coffee can make my day.
          8. In the thirteen years of my existence, I have never experienced anything tragic and life-changing which I am really grateful for.
          9. I really hate close-minded people and I have this overwhelming urge to hit them in their face whenever they start talking shit.
          10. I don't really like English accents. American is alright but English is kinda not my thing. ( No offense to the English people out here).
          11. I don't seriously know what else to write.
          12. I once liked TFIOS very much but now I find the feels too depressing to handle, for a reason unknown. ( Again, no offense meant to TFIOS lovers).
          13. I am a total sucker for cliché romance and SRK! <333
          Phew! I am done. I had great fun doing this. I am going to tag @scarlet_sugar, @MaaniaR, @Sakshi_007, @MehnazTabassum and @Confused_Cherub. 


@Sakshi_007 Helloooo! 
            LOL! Hehe, no problem. I totally understand. Wish you all the luck for your exams! *_*


            Heyo! :D
            Well, this is interesting. I just imagined you flipping at the sight of a lizard. XD 
            and I'm extremely sorry for this late reply, I've been like superrr busy with my practical exams and all that shiz. 
            I don't think I'd be able to do this any time soon but thanks for tagging me anyway. :)


@Confused_Cherub Hahaha. It's totally on you whether you want to do it or not. And glad to know that we have something in common then. ;)