
Hey all!  I made the decision to remove my fanfic based on the partnership with Viacom.  I definitely don't want to run into any legal issues.
          	If you're looking for my fics, you can find me on AO3 with the same username.
          	And yes, I am finally gonna finish UAD.
          	(In the last several years I've been working 60+ hours in media, raising two kids, had a major health crisis that included two surgeries and a 6 month recovery.  So the intent was there to finish. I just had no time.  BUT hopefully you'll follow me over there.)


Based on Wattpad's partnership with Viacom.


Hey all!  I made the decision to remove my fanfic based on the partnership with Viacom.  I definitely don't want to run into any legal issues.
          If you're looking for my fics, you can find me on AO3 with the same username.
          And yes, I am finally gonna finish UAD.
          (In the last several years I've been working 60+ hours in media, raising two kids, had a major health crisis that included two surgeries and a 6 month recovery.  So the intent was there to finish. I just had no time.  BUT hopefully you'll follow me over there.)


Based on Wattpad's partnership with Viacom.


UAD. I just NEED it to be updated. Any time soon, when ever works for you. Because it was sooooooo goooooood, and then I was left with a cliff hanger


@ should_i_really  A cliffhanfer of two years


Honest to god your one of my favourite authors. Lovee sterek fics and yours are some of the best and sweetest on here. Not pressuring you to write more, though that would be awesome, just showing appreciation. Thanks for wiring them babe


Yay can't wait for new stuff, and ur welcome :) 


@ZiamCharming_723 Thanks! :)  I am still working on UAD.  And I do have more ideas.  Just gotta get the time.  It means SO Much that you left this comment.


Hi guys!  I wrote a timestamp for Unfairly Attractive Dad - Halloween!  While I'm not adding it to the fic here just yet (all timestamps will go at the end of the story once it's completed), you can catch it over on AO3!
          Antoni picks a Halloween costume, and Stiles and his dad attend the elementary school costume parade.