
Anyone from the flock that still don't have access to this account please pm


I am a 16-year-old female, I live in Indiana, but I was born in Russia. I have had an urge to grow wings and meet others like you! Please, I really need to join a flock! I don't have discord. I am very committed and will be forever dedicated to my journey of growing wings. If I were in a flock, I would be considered a helper. I have been meditating, visualizing and using subliminal boosters. I am still yet to make a spell of my own. I have studied bird, wing, and avian anatomy. My avian name is Casen. Please, consider me! Also shoot me your emails! Thanks!
                        Soon to be a Avian Casen


@342y83415hello I'm so late and also not in Winged Legends anymore unfortunately but I also live in Indiana!! which region do you live in? i live in central Indiana :0


Please I will contact you asap! I really want to grow wings! Thanks so much!!


@342y83415hello hey, I go by the name Unity. It's not my human name, but Is the one I use in the non human community. I'm sorry I didn't see this until now. I am a shapeshifter, but feathered wings in an humanoid form is one of the things I frequently shift into. If you'd like to be in a flock with me my email is
            I can lead, hunt, possibly mend wing issues as I'm further learning about wing anatomy, I can do healing, build, or sew what is needed, probably more. In a flock I like the concept of helping equally. If someone has more than one strength I don't like limiting them to one thing, label, or task.


I don't think I ever announced my last pause. Sorry, but yeah, I'm back again!


@wingedlegends OMG! I am 16, live in Indiana. Always have had an urge to grow wings and fly. I have started looking up information on how to grow wings, and THIS IS THE PLACE!! I am and will be fully devoted! Please, can I get your email? May I join your flock? It is totally ok if you say no. I just have been meditating, visualizing (still need some practice on that), and studying avian/winged human anatomy! I love your guys so much!


hey! i’m sorry if this is annoying or anything, but i’d just like to know if you’re ever going to open back up the flock? if not, that’s completely fine, i’m not trying to pressure you guys to let me in or anything, i’m just curious. i’ve been thinking about joining a flock for a little while now, so yeah, that’s why i’m asking . 


@wingedlegends okay! thanks for even considering letting me in, it means a lot :)


@Blackburdz ok so, you may get the invite to the waiting room server depending on what the other mods decide. I already put in my answer.


@wingedlegends alright! thanks for responding :) 


hello! i see you arent taking members or anything and thats fine, im still not sure about joining a flock or anything, i just wanted to let you know that i am an ally to you guys if you ever need it. i dont know if you really care or anything, and thats fine! just letting you know :)
          also, i do not have wings, but i am considering starting to attempt to grow some :D


@Atlas73 Thanks for the support, if you ever decide to grow wings we're here or we could point you to alation.