Post this on 10 of the nicest people's message boards. If you get 10 back, you are special. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
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Aight so like.. I'm kinda cold and the fan is at a pretty high speed. The switchboard controls for the fan is like barely 10 steps away.....but I'm toooo lazy smh..just gonna suffer here like this...
Post this on 10 of the nicest people's message boards. If you get 10 back, you are special. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
⚠️GIRLS ONLY!⚠️ READ IT ALL!! Usually I hate chain mail but this one is super cute and it REALLY WORKS There are seven billion people, and you are one of them. You are special and beautiful, that is why I am sending this to you. I want good things to happen in your life, so read this now that you have read the beginning. You can’t get out of this you will get a new iPhone in a year, you will get crowned as prom queen in high school, you will get your dream pet for Christmas you will become very popular everyone will love you. ⏰ send this to 15 people in the next 30 minutes ⏰ if you ignore that means bad luck for the next 3 years, you will also struggle with your grades next year. This is not fake. A girl ignored it last year.
@ElectrizOne_TfFan Uno reverse >:) Jk jk, imma send it back to you though cause you're literally the only person I know here. :D
Aight so like.. I'm kinda cold and the fan is at a pretty high speed. The switchboard controls for the fan is like barely 10 steps away.....but I'm toooo lazy smh..just gonna suffer here like this...
HAH! BET Y'ALL THOUGHT I WAS DEAD! (especially @ElectrizOne_TfFan BUT GUESS WHO'S HERE. AGAIN! *Jumps down from the couch, rolls across the floor while grabbing the rug and pulling it along. Rolls towards the table, climbs on top of it with the rug wrapped around me.* THAT'S RIGHT! MY RATASS! MWAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH How are you guys doing???
How is your writing going?
@CharlesMoffat I agree with your views actually because I, myself feel the same way. Lines as simple as 'Look at those flowers', that may not seem like much at all, when they are shared between two or more characters sharing a special bond, especially if you've witnessed that bond grow from the start itself, can immediately have more value than any set of fancy words. So just simply picking a line would have been quite difficult and also, slightly unfair. But, I must say you have put me in quite a dilemma with that question. Personally, I usually write my stories while keeping in mind that all of the scenes have a meaning behind them and, for someone like me, once that meaning is put behind something, that thing immediately becomes favoured in my heart, so basically, entire stories are my favourite, from start to end including every little thing that comes in between. My favourite scene in my recent work is when one of the characters, the blue mech who coughed up lavender roses, realizes just how much he loves the femme. He wanted to dislike her and the fact that he agreed to come along on the mission of her extermination proves that he had already sort of succeeded in doing that but then when he's actually put in the situation where he has to kill her.. he realizes he can't.. he loves her so much that the love itself pains him. His heart always suffers, feels pain, firstly from the feeling of being unrequited and being wrong but not being able to stop loving her and then when she kills him instead, by stabbing right through his heart. But in both cases, he's already so used to the pain that now, he can't even be mad at her anymore.
@winter_is_lost Somebody asked me recently what my favourite line in a particular story was... And I couldn't really answer that there was a favourite line. Favourite scenes, definitely. Scenes stick out. Characters stick out. The interplay of dialogue between characters. So here is a different question for you: What is your favourite scene in your recent work?
@CharlesMoffat It's going well actually. Although I have to admit that at times I have to take a little while to brainstorm some ideas into my little head so sometimes the stories come out a little late. But, it's all well and good. :)
Hey, are you ok? You havent responded and I'm starting to worry.
@ElectrizOne_TfFan "Aww, I'm so sorry Elect.. no.. no easy Electriz DON'T!" *Witnesses Electriz throwing a wrench at Ratchet* "...Uh-oh.." *Stands next to Rodimus and watches Electriz try to dodge Ratchet's..hatchets, clapping everytime she narrowly dodges them.*
@winter_is_lost yea you SHOULD have at least gave a heads up.... Ratchet: She checked everyday to see if you were on. She thought you hated her for some reason, and she was in the middle of depression. Me: SHUT UP HATCHET! TOO MUCH INFO! *aims wrench* Rodimus: I wouldn't do that if I were- Me: *throws wrench at Ratch* Rodi: -you..... Ratchet: ELEEECTRIIIIIIIIIIZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me: Oops.....
@ElectrizOne_TfFan YASSS GURLLLL!!! I'M HAPPY TO BE BACK!! I'm soooo sorrry I suddenly left and I should've atleast came back to give you a heads up about my absence. BUT NOW I'M BACKKKKK!! *smashes your loneliness with a watermelon* GET RECKT LONELINESS!
I wanna go pee but I'm lying comfy in my bed and feel too lazy...smh
I had made another friend here but she's disappeared. Like just, just gone. I do hope she's doing alright and that she's safe. It's dangerous enough as it is with the pandemic going around and 2020 ain't really the best of the best years. I mean, you never know what's gonna happen till it just, happens ya know. So, I genuinely hope she's doing alright.
@ElectrizOne_TfFan You exist because we need people like you. We may not have known each other for long but trust me, you are one of the warmest, friendliest, most encouraging and supportive (the list could go on actually) friend someone could ask for. People like you make the world a better place for those that are close to them. Honestly, I always feel like wanting to go away from this world, away from anyone and everyone, that's probs why I like fanfics I guess, cause even if just for a moment, I feel happy knowing there's a place for me.
@winter_is_lost I'm fine. No, Im not fine. I really want to go away from this world. Sometimes I wonder why I exist.
okaii, so it's 4 in the morning and my dumbass just lost a spider on my bed :,) guess who aint sleepin tonight
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