
i miss reading and writing. need 2 find time with work n everything. </3


okay, since i never actually published the newest chapter like an idiot, (it was literally just sitting there unpublished..) i'm posting it now !
          chapter name : awoken beauty <3 
          this is definitely one of the longer chapters n i'm super excited abt this one because it's kind of my gateway chapter into the romance we've all been waiting for <333
          hope u love it, my angels 


new chapter is up ! sweet, sweet chaos <3
          merry christmas, my angels ! 
                 p.s. next chapter is under process of editing, it'll be up soon as a little extra christmas gift 


me realizing i put the new chapter on wattpad, but never actually published it... 


I FINISHED THE CHAPTER ! <3 i just have to go through and reread it fully, make whatever edits that r needed, n it's all ready to post. super excited abt this one. it's kind of a lot longer than the one with Akira, but there r a lot of different reasons for this one to have more context. can't wait for u to read itttt. 


um, weird question, but am i the only one that came on here one day and everyone's profile pics were square ? because it happened for like a 24 hour span.. i thought it was a software update or something, freaked me out, but i'm super glad it wasn't permanent.. :,)


i meannn, it's not like that anymore for me so maybe it's alright now ? it was freaky though, definitely not something i'd look forward to seeing every time i opened this app lol


you see this is why I haven’t updated wattpad everyone was complains about it lmao


since the new chapter update of divine is so late, here's a hint. i'll give away the chapter name and what it's about. ;) 
          a night of ever after's tells about the first encounter between katarina and sebastian. it's a wild tale, lots of surprises, and new characters you may want to remember. <3 i wonder how the familiarity between these two will affect the timeline of things.. one more chapter left after this one and we're back to present time, that's when the real fun starts. ;)


hii, ik it's late, well on the east coast it is, but i've been trying to use as much of my spare time as possible to finish the chapter i've been working on for divine ! it's a pretty lengthy chapter so i hope that sort of makes up for the unstable updates. i started a new job n i've been working long shifts nearly every day, so it gets a bit difficult. i'm nearly finished with. chapter three n i'm reallyyy satisfied with how it's turning out. <3 hoping to have it up for tomorrow, if not then, by the weekend. 