
Artists Post Malone needed to collab with that aren't Young Thug: 
          	-Lil Uzi Vert 
          	-Billie Eillish 


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Ok I love Post Malone and his vocals in his new song Goodbyes are AMAZING but Young Thug fucking ruins it with his dolphin squeak but I managed to find version without him and I found a version without him PLUS an extra version with Posty so if ya'll need some links let me know. 


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          so I've been trying to write this damn book all day and every. single. time. when I go to save it, it red underlines a bunch of random shit that doesn't even make any sense and I've even have some instances when half of what I've written is LITERALLY GONE. I have NO IDEA what the deal is but it's really starting to piss me the hell off so if you have any suggestions on what to do and how to get Wattpad to stop being a jackass, please let me know. 
          The Witch Who Is Very Close To Losing Her Absolute Mind 


yao. so I decided to delete all my stories LMFAO. for many reasons 1) I was not confident in them whatsoever and 2) they were written in a shitty place in my life and now that I've tried something new that I think will be a positive experience for me, I'm gonna start expelling as much negativity as possible. oh and this new thing, is Wicca. for those of you who don't know Wicca is a religion based off of ancient beliefs and paganism but is fairly new as it was started in the 1950s by an anthropologist named Gerald Gardner. It's nature based and polytheistic and even as a beginner, I cannot tell you how much fun and happiness I've had with it. I've started researching and writing my Book Of Shadow aka Magick Journal and to some witches it can get boring writing info and references that may seem unimportant now but for me, personally, this is so exciting and starting a new chapter in my life. I've learned so much in such a short amount of time when I made this decision literally 4 days ago. AND not to mention I've already found the two Goddesses I want. To explain, in Wicca you can choose any God/Goddess (or both). you can have anywhere from 5 to just 1. I personally wouldn't try to do anymore than 5 though but to each their own. So I looked up a list of all the Gods and Goddesses, pretty much all of them are ancient deities that most people don't worship or follow anymore (except for some of the Hindu ones), none of the Gods really stuck with me personally but I found two Goddesses that I just felt like I was meant to choose, the two are Luna the Roman moon Goddess and Rhiannon the Celtic moon Goddess. Now for some witches finding the right one can take a long time so don't try to rush it. But finding my dieties so soon and understanding what Wicca  is really all about, makes me feel like this is the perfect religion for me and something I was always meant to do. 


(have to continue in comments cause there isn't enough space in the message) for a while, I didn't associate myself with any religion at all and considered myself athiest. this was because I've been persecuted for being who I am by religious people (some even my own family) and it left a huge mark on me. but now that I've found something so spiritual and with such basic core beliefs and morals, I think I'll be ok. 