this message may be offensive
I know that I don’t feel comfortable with venting.. but honestly.. I just have to share this,
Sometimes, it’s not easy for me to be a normal and chill person to make friends.. or even talk normally.
I just don’t like it. Like every time I have to be silly or weird .. I think that whenever I’m with my friends they feel like they aren’t comfortable with me.
Especially like 2 of my friends are being very annoying to me saying that they will bomb my grandma’s house .. and saying that they will ship me back to china .. shoot me .. wtv they said .
I don’t like them. I don’t know why they just had to bring up my grandmother like that. And I just lost my grandpa last month.
And .. shipping me back to china isn’t funny. It’s fucking disrespectful and rude towards me.
And .. they want to say they want to shoot me and stomp me for what??.. what did I ever do to you ?
Tbh.. I don’t know if there mentally SICK In there motherfucking head.
I can’t deal with them anymore. And so goes for one of my friends .
He literally tells my 2 friends to stop calling him Chinese , just because of his eyes ..
He’s not even Chinese .
Like straight up, I’m TIRED of the Chinese shit. It’s not funny. It’s straight up disgusting and disrespectful for calling me a dog eater and a cat eater .
It’s just .. annoying.. and it’s never okay.
And the fact that they said they will shoot one of my friends .. AND THEY EVEN TRIED KILLING THEMSELF?..
I’m tired of everything. I’m tired of the 2 people who I keep seeing.
Like usually.. they will say " oh!! It’s a joke !! "
" Kimora stop getting upset over a joke " " Kimora it’s not even serious . "
It is. Someone can take it seriously. And you guys keep saying it’s a joke but you’re just gonna make it worse for yourself.
It’s too much.
It’s just .. not okay. It never will be.