
@mariejan9 thanks soo mcuh! imma check this out right now :D


@samsamSAMRawr ..... !!!! ...... I now love you lolyou003 and samsamSAMRawr . Black Veil Brides are amazing and AndySixx is the most amazingly sexayy hottfullness sexy beast on this earth and i have an on going obsession [and that will never end! <3] anywayss, you guys are cool :P
          also i completely agree with your comment sam, with the being able to relate to this about me that lolyou003 has here XD anyways, nerhmanerhma im don, peace XPP 


Thanks for saying what you said about the Andy Sixx pic...I find him amazingly hott and I read your about me abd there's a lot of stuff in there I could totaly relate to that includes the cursing alot I Love to curse I don't know why.... I'm done babbling now=)