
"Juliette wore a black floral dress matching black stilettos with those perfect thick legs, that in his humble opinion, would look even better around him...." - The Captain, chapter 4.


Hello, I saw the success of your stories, and I would like to interview you, to have your opinion on certain subjects, writing advice etc ... This is a request from @Vorienne who wishes to interview known Wattpad users, to ask them for advice that could perhaps help the Wattpad community, if you are open to an interview by message directly on your babi or not, answer me 


i will be returning to Tokyo this month and will post an honoring photo to The Age of Love here. Sorry to those who have waited so anxiously for the second book of the age of love, I've reached a massive writer's block where i can't put my memories into words and paper. I didn't give up but I never post anything i don't remotely like. Hope you understand <3


Sorry i didn't know my last 3 chapters of TAO were down. It was a problem with the app. But they are up and going now!


@annoyedusernametaken i want to, unfortunately i can't find the inspiration to put the memories into words and paper


@withlovelydia Are you going to continue After Love 2 ? 


Hey! Is there a reason why the age of love series is not available anymore? It’s one of my favorite reads! 


@froobee it's back :) will be posting all the chapters again soon


I too was wondering this! Hope everything is okay 