
i don’t want to go to school ahhhhhhhhhh i’m gonna die someone help i can’t do this i want to cry and die


@withyouonnyd ahahaha ofc ofc leave your window open tonight


@urmymorningsun but if the kidnapping offer still stands pleeeeaaase come and get me


@urmymorningsun i think i wrote this the night before the first day. so far it’s pretty boring but not nearly as bad as i thought 


i don’t want to go to school ahhhhhhhhhh i’m gonna die someone help i can’t do this i want to cry and die


@withyouonnyd ahahaha ofc ofc leave your window open tonight


@urmymorningsun but if the kidnapping offer still stands pleeeeaaase come and get me


@urmymorningsun i think i wrote this the night before the first day. so far it’s pretty boring but not nearly as bad as i thought 


do yall know that episode of s lives of college girls where leighton dates her twin? well i haven’t dated a girl before but my friend told me the other day that i look and act exactly like gracie abrams and i give the exact same vibe. im not that surprised because we both have brown hair, brown eyes, kinda similar builds, and faces. anyway i thought it was so funny 


@withyouonnyd hey! so we should date


@withyouonnyd thats still do awesome !!


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people getting annoyed at me for drinking piss me off so much. okay so your first argument- “it’s a school night”. i have higher marks than you in every subject, in some i’m double yours. do you not think i can manage it? because this is me managing with As. second argument- “your parents don’t want you to”. while this may seem like a valid point, it really isn’t. my mum knows i drink with friends, i am 100% sure she has an idea that i would on my own. it really doesn’t make sense why you’re trying to parent me or advocate for mine when you really dgaf about them. third argument- “your falling of the rails and can’t handle your liquor”. okay i’m not. anyone could tell you i’m not. friends, family, acquaintances, literally anyone. and i know what i can handle. it’s really dumb for you to get this angry over ONE glass. ik what im doing. fuck these bitches


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@withyouonnyd talk yo shit girl


how to… make it known to my crush that i like them without it backfiring or being noticeable? 


@urmymorningsun SAAAME but idk 100% if she’s straight. ik she likes men but she just migght like girls too, probably not though. 


@withyouonnyd still tryna fighre this one out myself, i like a straight girl </3


@underwaternotoveryou yeah i will. don’t know if i have time though, term ends in a week and a half and then im ages away. but we’ll see


maybe all the pain will be worth it. however if i don’t get to 35 and feel a certain peace i have craved my whole life while trying to survive the chaos of my unstable family and friends im not sure i can take spending years growing older in a state of agony. on the flip side if i am able to create art that translates all the pain that still resides in me i know i will have lived a worthwhile life, in some ways more than others. so im not sure what i want, but right now i just want to punch some bitches and tell them they’re going to get nowhere talking to people like second class citizens when they’re (me) actually much smarter, prettier and kinder than them. sure comparison is not an ideal resort for comfort, but it is always nice to remember… you are the one winning. is that bad? probably, idk. anyway life update… ready to knock out some bitches and hopefully make better friends. sorry if you did not sign up for this diary entry of a paragraph. i really should just use mine, but the idea someone might respond saying the feel the same is too large to not just use this instead. 


@withyouonnyd I’ll always care; I promise. I’m here for you Dais <33


@emsownuniverse thank you so much em. its nice to have someone i dont even know irl say they care. it reminds me that people are good, i just need to find the better ones xx


The urge is so real. I’m here for you Dais <33 I promise you’ll  find better friends even when it seems hopeless right now. I’m so proud of you ilysm <33