I'm Kassee and I'm really bad at updating my shitty stories
  • Дата регистрацииFebruary 24, 2014


Последнее сообщение
wittymaryjane wittymaryjane Jan 19, 2018 05:24AM
Man I was working on something offline and when I came back online its all disappeared. Of course its on something I was really proud of. Heck man this sucks. 
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Истории от Kassee
Disturbia от wittymaryjane
Emily is doomed to be involved in abuse all her life, but she's learned to live with it. She keeps to herself...
Weird Friends in Strange Places (possibly discontinued) от wittymaryjane
Weird Friends in Strange Places (p...
Can you handle being faced with the thing you've feared your whole life, but then realizing you love it? Meet...