
Re-released, re-written and re-edited. And with a new, purty cover. The House that Jack Built. The book that began the whole Monument City Mysteries.


Amazon is offering a free Kindle version of He Will Restore, until Friday, November 22, 2013.  If you liked what you've read here, go get one and read the rest. And remember, you can buy hardcopies for your holiday gifting.


Thank you so much. I have been crunched at work recently, and haven't had time to do much of anything. I plan to read through Abyss this weekend, and plan to share it with my son to see what he thinks. [I always run my plots past him as I'm writing, because he has a way of finding the plot holes I miss]
          Unidentified Objects should be getting a sequel in the next few months. Working title is He Wasn't There Again Today. 
          Can't wait to go to the Abyss.


Hey, for your awesome support on my previous works, The Hour and DIF, I wanted to let you know that I dedicated a chapter of my new book, The Abyss of the Nobody, to you. It would be sooooo great if you could give me your feedback. On wattpad, you are one of my favorite authors. I loved Neutral Zone so much that I am so glad you have made other books. Ok so as I was saying, please check out my new book and give me your feedback. If you could do that, it would be so great to give advice from such a great author. Thank you and I hope to read Unidentified Objects, it sounds intriguing!


If you don't mind them been without illustrations, I can quickly convert them for e-readers. 
          Honestly, while I love the fairy stories [I wrote those for my granddaughter when she was around 7. Her older sister was devouring Harry  Potter books, but Tara was too young. So I wrote about her own magical kingdom] my favorites are still the mouse and other animal stories, such as Cookie the Border Collie and Meghan the pot bellied pig.