at this point, i think disparity was taken down :/ and honestly speaking, i already reached my dead end there and i dont have enough motivation to continue writing for disparity but this kinda makes me feel less motivated to continue updating attraction but I think I already have 1000 words in so uhh I’ll try my best to hang on to that bit of motivation yeah? my next announcement would be a summary of what might have happened in disparity if i had motivation and wasn’t taken down.

@oyaakuroona I’m glad this helped you. Everyone needs support, even legends like Kentaro Miura and Stan Lee. Your family, friends, followers, readers, no matter who it is, there’s always going to be someone there, sometimes we just need to ask more often.

@xTsukiii damn that’s beautiful it makes sense, a lot of sense i will try to apply this as i do my best to finish my books☺️☺️

@oyaakuroona I started writing when I was around 12 - 13 and I learnt pretty quickly it's a hella long process and I'm yet to finishing one book even after so many attempts. It frustrated the heck out of me but I had to learn to be patient mainly with myself because only I could write down these words, bring these characters, scenes and stories to life. I struggle to remember that from time to time but I always have to say to myself, Do what feels right to you. Go at your own pace. If you feel like you're running in circles with the expectation of going somewhere new, then stop and take a step back. If you feel yourself moving forward without any clue of where you're going or what you should do then keep walking, look back when you start to feel fear. I don't know if that makes any sense because I've only ever said this to myself in my head and somehow I can make it work. I also think this is worth mentioning because I feel like it's related. The creator of Berserk, Kentaro Miura created the concept for Guts when he was around 18 and created Berserk in 1989 when he was 23 and he continued to work on it throughout his entire lifetime until his passing at 54, only last month in May. We didn't know much about Miura personally, but he would go on hiatus sometimes due to health problems. I have no doubt he faced the same problems we face as artists and as people. Even then he held onto Berserk for over 30 years and it became a big part of his life. When I think of him now he reminds me of something Stan Lee said. “If you have an idea that you genuinely think is good, then don’t let some idiots talk you out of it.”