
Hi guys! Sya baru je publish new story. I hope you like it and it in English because I need to practice my English. Now I just continue my studies in biotechnology which is my degree. And yeah I hope you enjoy it! 


Hi guys! Sya baru je publish new story. I hope you like it and it in English because I need to practice my English. Now I just continue my studies in biotechnology which is my degree. And yeah I hope you enjoy it! 


Hai guys!! Sya here! Sorry sebab minggu lepas pun sya tak update story Ejen Ali. Sorry sangat!  Sya just nk bagitau yang chapter seterusnya sya akan update jumaat malam and mungkin story ni akan hiatus buat satu bulan or lebih. Sya terpaksa hiatus story Ejen Ali atas beberapa sebab iaitu Sya nk fokus dekat percubaan SPM awal bulan 10  ni and sebab-sebab peribadi yg Sya tak boleh nak bagitau. Insyaalah kalau semua dh selesai Sya akan update semula tapi Sya akan had kan dalam sebulan sya akan update satu chapter atau lebih kalau sya rajin? hehehehheh.. so doakan sya supaya cemerlang untuk percubaan Spm bulan 10 ni, doakan juga supaya Sya rajin-rajin update chapter seterusnya and last doakan supaya masalah-masalah sya cepat selesai!!!
          Stay safe and wait for the next chapter! love youu!!