
wow i am so active


I'm truly sorry I haven't been updating for four months. I've been stuck on a singular paragraph for a while now and I have no idea how to continue the story. I reread it and my points contradicted, my plot points were never revisited, and all in all it's a bad book. I don't know if I will update it or if I'll just stop altogether, but I'll at least try to try. Again, I'm sorry, and I hope you aren't disappointed in me and my wavering resolve to provide.


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I'll say two things and two things only:
          1. Midterms SUCK
          2. I have started looking up obscure fandoms and ships on ao3 and then sending my friends the weirdest shit for fun. It's a good site... but the things I've seen.


My dad saw my Google doc with my fic and the exchange went like so:
          Dad: You need to stop playing games on your school chromebook
          Me: Well actually I'm writing a book
          Dad: Well let me see it then.
          So I showed him the fic and got rid of all the gay parts using my phone and then he just said good job and keep it up.
          Next weekend, we went to a basketball game to cheer on his friend's son. Me, being the person who could give less shits about sports was reading some fics to pass the time (as it was a massacre, 100- 42 was the final score). Somewhere in the middle of the game, he saw me reading and he turned to his friend and said this, "I don't get this generation. My son is smart, and he saw the show. He didn't like the ending so he just decided to rewrite it!"
          And then the conversation went into the direction of his friend tutoring me in basketball. Which I don't want to do because exercise kinda sucks for me.
          That's all, and thank you for coming to my tedtalk.


My phone and PC got taken away but I have been working on the fic in school using my school PC. HOWEVER, they have a weird program thing that blocks websites, including wattpad. So, couldn't really upload. But now I'm back with my phone and can upload stuff. Woohoo!