
@ wolfYLady-sama  What i mean she's over power in away but can't control it hack she dont even know she have a power like that. That power also suppose to kill her at 15 without she know anything about it but because her childhood friend wish he comeback in time to search a way but he dont. And also because of that power she dont even know about she's used by someone that literaly copying her body and soul so many times just to revive a person. Can you imagine the stess she have when she know she's not actualy aperson but a clone? Because of this she is perfect for fanfic because her clone was so many that you cant count and it could be used as back story. She turn from nice, childish and beloved princess to be serious, always try to be strong, stay firm with her choice and good tactician. It was heart breaking change but necesary and she know it because crying won't solve anything. She's also so loyal even if that person drenched in blood she still chose him because she know its not what he truely want. The most heart breaking about her she just want to be happy but she can only be happy in her dream.
          Her power more of a curse than a privilege so you can made any story as you wish for her 


I love your kagome AU! Thaks to make it!


@LynKuromuno your not wrong, it's why I love writing her and using her in crossover overs


@ LynKuromuno  no really! Shes unique character you can use her at any fanfic and she would blossom as something new i write about her too! SesshoKags fandom even still alive till this day XD


@LynKuromuno thanks for your support and kind words  