.....my friend chose to black mailed me because her ex boyfriend fell in love with me and I did him which I had no idea how that happened....now he won't talk to me because of her and ...... sometimes I wish I was never born at all because of her ....
.....my friend chose to black mailed me because her ex boyfriend fell in love with me and I did him which I had no idea how that happened....now he won't talk to me because of her and ...... sometimes I wish I was never born at all because of her ....
@dhararararara i read your comment in one of the book I was reading. You had some comment abt your bf kink. I wrote this long ago so I don't remember which book or what you had written but I think your comment was of years back. Idk
Hello to everyone you see this well guess what this is my new account because I somehow got logged out of the old one and now . Well yeah I'll write books but it's gonna take a while for them to come out