
ᝰ eyyo there !
          sebelum qisy nak wish , qisy nak bagi quotes jap ehek :3
          when i got lonely n lost , you shed the flash on me like a lighthouse , when i was nothing , my flash hugged me like a hero , when i fell , my flash embraced me , and guess what ? you were the warm flash ! 
          can i be your shiny warm flash too ? erm macam pelik , hehe ! nunite babe , sweet dreams ! ailabiuuu <333
          n don't worry duh , im totally fine here ;)


ᝰ goodnight babe !
          hey there ! maybe i don't know how much you suffer today but trust me , tomorrow will be a better day for you ! never give up with yourself ! i'm here for you to take all of those broken pieces & try to fix it ! it's okay to break down but not for a long time babe , you will end up losing yourself more n i'm not ready to lose you :(
          ailabiu honey <3


@QISYYUNIE- huhuhu thankyouu :3


'Burning bright,
          Across the world.'
          Hai awak,
          Dina sukalah story awak Hidden Secret tu. Hehe sebab hero dia Jay ^3^ anyways, would u mind to followback? Sebab Dina betul2 support story awk, dont give up k? Have a nice day♡
          Sekian, terima Taehyun hensem.


@chutesoob_in hii dina thankyou sbb support >< thankyou juga sbb bagi semangat hehehe ^^ 
            - sekian, terima soobin kacaks -


heyyo! this is your cutie darkmoucha here! teringin nk baca fanfic sexy cutie lovely jiminie?
          nah! ini ialah hadiah daripada saya! harap baca, vote and comment! bubyee! 
          title : letter | jimin
          genre : hot romance, conflict, thrill
          chapters : 39 [ completed! ]


@darkmoucha sure nanti saya baca ye hehehehe 