Hey everyone. I don't have any excuses for me not updating. I will not say anymore that I will try to keep updating or not. I've said it too many times for any of you guys to believe me. I won't ask for forgiveness from you guys but the only thing I ask of you guys is patience with me. I shouldn't even be asking for patience from you guys but I am because I'm selfish. I'm selfish for just dropping off the face of the earth. I'm selfish for abandoning you guys who were loyal. and I'm the most selfish person for putting my own reading time above your storytime. I'm sorry and I hope I can be better then I was when I was 12. I have grown and hope that I can keep my own words. I am in track n field for spring and have PBA coming up so updates will be not be every weekend or maybe not even every other weekend. I will try to give better episodes than now. I am not happy with how my Soulmates of Time story has turned out so I will be redoing it(one again) and hope you all will be patient with me throughout this journey and this is my new year's resolution.