
So we have a fun little competition.  We'll put it in the Updates book.  Maybe if you guys like it, we'll make more, or you guys can give me suggestions.


We're just gonna work on one book at a time.  Updates will stay up, along with any book that is completed or being worked on.  Children of the Wings is first.  Let us know, guys, which book do you want to see finished next?  The First Fabled Warrior, The Other Worlds, Magical Freedom, or the newest book.  Thanks for listening and giving opinions, I will try my best to work on the stories.


Everyone, I think I found a book that will become a series.  If you want your oc in the second book, dm me about them.  Here is the description for the first book so you get the point:
          I am a non-binary named Resinto Quartena. My life is normal, even if we're in the middle of a war. I have a couple of best friends who are the "worst in the world" as my sister calls them. My parents let me have two weapons, a shotgun and a sword. School is normal, though PE is a lot tougher than it used to be since the war started. Though, in my life, there's one abnormality. My town has a forest. This forest is said to be filled with hundreds of shadow creatures that only the strongest can get through. I don't believe any of it... until two boys get lost and I go hunting after them.


So, we have updated a few things: Era will now be known as Aliyah in all books.  Egythbia is pushing herself to continue her old books.  If you want to see the "Lost Girl"(or whatever I had called it) appear again, Egythbia and I will work to make it(once we finish all the other books).  I know none of this interests most of our followers, but maybe you might like to see something.  Either way, Stay Strong, Stay Kind, Stay Proud.


You know, it's been so long since we started most of our books, we may just completely restart the entire children of the wings series.  You can give opinions or tell us to just rewrite it like children of the wings.  we will make our decision from there.