
Who else wants quotev to have an app?? I know there's a lot of controversy about it but if you do want an app,
          	sign this petition: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/394/095/153/get-quotev-an-app-for-phones/ We're almost to the goal, so please help out! 
          	Also, if you have any questions talk to http://www.quotev.com/AllSeeing♥


Oh. No probs now, Ms. Author. I'm already reading it in m.fanfiction.net. And it still rocks!! But still, I'm hoping for the return of your spirited away 2 to the wattpad world... just hoping... if you could... but if not... it's okay... but I'll still wait... :)


Hey wolfrain,    i really want to read the spirite away again.. Please can u bring it back?... Please? 


yeah same!! you could always go on fanfiction.net and read it from the actual author on there, but i prefer to read on wattpad so it would be great if she could bring it back, i didn't finish it lol


Hey! I've read your book, "Spirited Away 2" twice!.. Really awesome.. but I changed my account. Need to recover stories. I'd like to read it again and add it to my reading list. But I just knew that it was already deleted. ;( aww. But really! It amazed me so much. The best!


I read the sequel of Spirted away 2 a while ago and when I found it on this I was overjoyed only to find it deleted, why? It was an amazing book


@Queen_rose1216 Gee. Thanks! I'm already reading it in m.fanfiction.net since I read the website. Geez nostalgia.


She reposted it again but the real author is from here https://m.fanfiction.net/s/3261432/1/Spirited-Away-2-Return-to-the-Spirit-World it's probably taken down because the real author found out, but the real author allows u to put it here as long as u tell her