
I'm going to try to update every week, but it might be every two weeks.


OMG GUYS! We reached 500 views!!!! Thank you sooooooooo much for your support!! As I promised, I AM Iop 2 is coming. It may come out in three months or, hopefully, just two. It might be more but let's hope it's just two. Thank you guys again!


Hello @wolfspirit49
          Thank You for the follow!
          I do really appreciate it, Thanks.
          I'll Follow you because its the least I could do... Please accept this gift!
          I hope You'll accept Me!
          Sorry for the late reply... I have been very BUSY :'(
          I hope we could be friends. If you need help, Im here to help you out ^_^
          Well its time for me to go...
          Stay Cool and Awesome!
          Have a great day or night!
          PS. Your profile pic is so CUTE~~~<3
          See ya~!