
Hi everyone! I'm so sorry I've been MIA for a few months, my IRL life has been quite chaotic to say the least I haven't been able to finish the next chapter for "Pharaoh" as I wanted but I've been getting some more free time, so hopefully within the next two months at the very least it'll be finished and uploaded!
          	I hope everyone's new year is better than expected and if not then no worries! It's still just the beginning of the year, it'll get better for sure! 


Hi everyone! I'm so sorry I've been MIA for a few months, my IRL life has been quite chaotic to say the least I haven't been able to finish the next chapter for "Pharaoh" as I wanted but I've been getting some more free time, so hopefully within the next two months at the very least it'll be finished and uploaded!
          I hope everyone's new year is better than expected and if not then no worries! It's still just the beginning of the year, it'll get better for sure! 


Hello everyone! Just a brief update~
          Chapter Ten: Isami-Sama's POV for Have A Heart is nearly completed! There's just certain parts that's taking longer to write, but once I do post it, that will be the last chapter for the story for a while since I wanna keep my focus on another novel/story I've had in mind for a very long time--along with tweaking several unedited chapters for Pharaoh! 
          Please have patience with me as I do have other stories on multiple accounts I've been trying to work on, but haven't been able too since I get writers block often from having too much creative ideas
          I hope everyone stays healthy and safe, regardless of whether or not you are vaccinated since the pandemic hasn't left! 
          Love you guys❤


Hey everyone! Kisato here, I've been working on the chapters for Have A Heart and Pharaoh, but I keep getting stuck (curse you writers block!) so they're taking longer to post and make than I thought   ^ ^'  I've also been making a little something on the side for the Yu-Gi-Oh! series that's way, wa~y later down the road...(o w o   ) 
          So don't worry! I haven't forgot or abandoned anything, it's just taking me a lot longer than I thought! 
          Please stay safe! Keep six feet apart, wash your hands, and please, PLEASE, keep your mask on if you are going out! Love you all <3 


So it's be a while guys~! I've been meaning to post the last few chapters I posted, but I've been busy with work and moving to my new place, so there won't be a new chapter for a little while but don't worry! I have plan on sticking with "Have A Heart" for a while!! Hope you all enjoy the new chapters though! 
          ~  < 3  ~


I am so, so sorry for not updating guys :(!! I don't have wifi anymore at home, but I do have the update for last week :)! After a little bit of editing, it'll be up soon! The next chapter for this week will be updated either on, before, or a few days after the deadline. 
          Please bare with me! Sorry again >__<' 