
character thread:


did you have to punch me that hard? (..) i said i was sorry for spooking you.


@off3ring       ♱    /you’re/ lucky i didn’t make it bleed.  [she states matter of factly,   arms crossing over her chest.]    and do you still think that was a bright idea?


you got my nose  ..  you're lucky you didn't make it bleed──    [but he wipes at his nose before sighing.]  heard someone enter so i thought... id mess with them. i didn't think it would be you.


@off3ring      ♱       /yes/ i had to punch you that hard.    why are you sneaking up on me?


yeesh,               what’s that guy’s problem  ? 


@saintsay      ♱        sure you did.   [chi’s able to read people pretty effectively,   but none more than her younger sister.   she’d known from the moment the girl’s cheeks filled with the crunchy fruit,   both the satisfied hum she’d initially given and the sharp insistence of her hatred afterwards had been immediate giveaways.  still, though—-she would allow her sister to /believe/ she was getting away with it.   at the expense of more white apples in the house.]   nosy aren’t you?    ..yeah,  they stopped by.   [she shakes her head at the clear attempt for the young girl to retrieve two boxes of her cereal coupled with her keen ear for gossip,   knowing better by now her creative ways of stalling to get her way.]     wanted me to rat..   i told em to shove it,  basically.   —they haven’t come around messing with you,  have they?


@wolfstudy     no,   i said I didn’t like how they looked [she would never admit that the fruit was slowly growing on her. for the sake of her own pride and to not boost her sister’s ego. from the beginning chi  had told her she’d like them——and she did!  but that was something she was willing to take to her grave, especially after all the crap she spoke on those poor apples——white to be specific.    they tasted more like tangerines   if anything which was confusing but not unwelcome]     yesss!     [a jump and a turn and she’s retracing her steps with quick skipping strides,     grabbing / two / boxes.  comparing them.    there wasn’t a real difference but she hoped that if she stood here long enough,    her sister would eventually cave and let her get both.     she didn’t——her head lifts as if about to plea with the elder fengari. purple eyes squinting and ears twitching at an overheard conversation.  with furrowed brows and a fleeting glance over her shoulder. she makes an effort to find her way back to her sister’s side, box in the basket]   hey,    did you get a visit from the vanguard?     they’ve  been everywhere  lately 


@saintsay         ♱          you can help that midnight snacking you think we can’t hear you doing.  [her eyes scan the list purposefully,    occasionally darting between the slip of paper in between her fingers and the fully stocked shelves aligned across each aisle.]    not this time..    you told me you didn’t like them.   [she shrugs her shoulders simply,    reaching into the basket to carefully pick through what they’d already acquired,    haphazardly using her knee as a desk to scribble off whatever they’d already gotten off the list.   finally satisfied she nods,   folding the paper and tucking it into her pockets.]    mr rocket’s on the list today.   /only/ because we aren’t getting as many snacks.    and /one/ box.


yet,        we / are / merciful.


@likeholy      ♱       [the eldest fengari’s face carries nothing short of bemusement,   her judgement clear in both her eyes and mouth,   twisted in her distaste.   though the least violence approach for crowne,    the behavior insinuated violence all the same.]    no.    [simple and likely with more bite than anticipated,   only to pair decently with the opposite “yes” beforehand. ]     but your mind’s clearly made up,   so i don’t even know /why/ you bothered with asking.   (…) i think ive made my stance on the situation more than clear.


@wolfstudy     [  a smile practiced for a kind face is not enough to mask the bitterness in her eyes.   it’s straining and struggling, daring to twitch and fall into a long,  agonizing frown.  the voice was there again, in the back of her mind. throbbing like a headache. it hissed and spat insults——threats and dark promises.  all of which the empress must ignore, for her own state of mind (if she had one at all)   ]    yes.  [    simple and clean,    a word that needn’t an explanation, even when it did.   it WAS an act of mercy,  in her eyes.    the least violent in comparison to the other things she had heard and considered ——  THIS,    was crowne being merciful. ].     ..    you do not approve. 


@likeholy    ♱    /that’s/ what you call merciful?


o..  kay.      so it is a little sparky ── nothing I can’t fix!


@saintsay        ♱      i believe you,  gin..    but the point stands.   [she pulls a face at her sister’s insistence to slide across the bar,    deciding against berating her in favor of accepting the cherry can of sparkling pop offered.     the gadget is cautiously placed back on the table,       though curiosity is peaked despite the danger the promise of explosion now presents]  no kidding?      [a long swig of her beverage is taken,   tongue running along her lips before she faces the younger]    it /will/ work,  gin.   patience,  remember?    you just gotta love on it a bit..  you’ll figure it out—        you always do.


@wolfstudy        ⏾     don’t sweat it, chi.  i know what i'm doing—— honest!  [but she’s already made up her mind to leave the sparking mess alone for a while.       her body slips leaps and slides over the bar,  grabbing two—-three cans of sparkling pop.    two green apple flavors for herself and cherry for her sister,     her favorite]    it explodes.    [the scent of green apple fill her lungs,       taking a swig from one of the cans.   the cherry flavored being offered]    or—— it’s supposed to.      the darn think won’t work for  nothing,       


@saintsay      ♱       [the sound of electrical haywire causes a sharp snap back,   frantic eyes immediately darting to the defective machinery,   before her gaze eventually found her sister again,   softer than before. ]     as much as i appreciate it..   please don’t /fry/ yourself alive trying to update my robot.     [it’s said with a breathy sigh,   turning around to lean against the workshop table,    taking one of the (less sparky) gadgets into her hands and inspecting,    making a light hum of approval]     hey this looks.. fun.    sharp for sure.  what’s it do?


you  are  hard  to  find,   fengari.


@cuntthroat         [ she leans back comfortably in her chair,   arms folded across her chest.   her brows raise at the promising offer,   almost as if considering.   and yet,  as promising as it seemed,   the middle city had something of a code.   or,  chione did anyway.   staying out of things that were not,   by any means,   any of the fengaris’ business.    it was more survival than anything,    keeping both herself and her sister protected.  she takes one final glance at the hologram,    before she’s fixed on the sanguine once more. ]     appreciate the concern,  i guess.   but,  like i told you—     i don’t know who that guy is.   i do,  however,  wish you all the best of luck in finding him.   


@wolfstudy     [it brings out frustration, amongst the soldiers──even sanguine herself finds the need to make a face at the fengari girl.  her brows knit themselves together,   and her red eyes narrow in the slightest. Only soothing out again when she views the face for herself]    shame..   we were hoping otherwise,     he looks to be from middle city,      has the gadgets for it.      [there’s a pause. she swivels on the heel of her boot, polished and black,     matching the dark embroidery in her red and silver coat]    the ransom is large,      for those who find him.     /alive/       the empress is generous just as she is merciful.          it could be enough to buy you and your sister a small home somewhere in crowne 


@cuntthroat          [ the elder fengari would merely breathe a heavy sigh,   leaning in to the luminescence of the hologram,   taking a moment to consider.   or, rather,   taking a moment to purposefully waste time.    finally,  she’d retract her focus to the soldier,    locking a firm gaze before simply shrugging her shoulders. ]     never seen this boy a day in my life.


thomas!        be on your merry way.  bye now  :)


@tearudown        thanks,  guys..    but the motivation is kind of mean.   —oh,  don’t worry about that.  sansa likes me!   ..sometimes


to hopefully get you motivated to go out and search for that perfect girl.   you’re more than welcome to stay and wait,   but i would suggest against it      ..sansa’s rather mean


@tearudown           why is everyone making girlfriend jabs at me today man.  it’s not cool.  can i at least know..  /who/ im interfering with?