
After a long hiatus, I’ve finally published the next chapter of  ‘Sad Girls Club’. I am currently working on chapters for ‘The Power Within’ also, as well as more chapters for SGB. 
          	I apologise that I have not been publishing much, but hopefully this year I will have more time to focus on my stories and share them with you all. 
          	Best wishes,
          	Nee x


After a long hiatus, I’ve finally published the next chapter of  ‘Sad Girls Club’. I am currently working on chapters for ‘The Power Within’ also, as well as more chapters for SGB. 
          I apologise that I have not been publishing much, but hopefully this year I will have more time to focus on my stories and share them with you all. 
          Best wishes,
          Nee x


Hi all,
          Hope everyone is staying safe during this difficult time  
          This pandemic has caused my exams to be cancelled which means that there is large uncertainty concerning what my grades I will receive which determines if I’ll have a place at uni or not. That being said I am hopeful that the grades I’ll be given are a reflection of the hard work I have done for the past 2 years! 
          I’m trying to keep my spirits up by looking at things I can do to keep myself busy and happy during this time of quarantine. 
          You’ll be happy to know that I will be returning on here to write my stories again (which is earlier than expected!). So hopefully I’ll be updating my stories soon! 
          Hope everyone is coping well and keeping themselves safe and healthy during this pandemic! I’m sending all my love to you,  your friends and family! 
          N x


I know I’ve not been active recently because I’ve been extremely busy with school work. 
          When I’m done with exams at the start of summer 2020 I will then have plenty of time to continue to write my stories then.
          For now I’m on a mini hiatus until June 2020. 
          See you next year! 


          New chapters for Sad Girls Club and The Power Within will be published soon! I’ve had a pretty great start to the year - travelling, meeting new people + joining new clubs at my school. 
          I’ll be back to update my stories regularly in a few weeks! It’s good to see the feedback + support you’ve all shown - thank you!
          N x


          So, the ‘preface’ of The Power Within has just been published. Go check it out! It’s gives you more of an insight about what this story will entail.
          I can’t wait to share more of this story with you guys! The first chapter will be up soon - till then read, comment + vote. 
          N x


          It’s taken a million years but I’ve finally published the last chapter of Blurred!
          Hope you all like it. I might update it in the near future with bonus chapters about the characters lives before and after the events. 
          Till then I thank you all for reading this story - read, comment, vote!
          N x


          Hope everyone had a good Christmas and New Year! I’m so glad to be back and excited to share more of my stories! 
          I’ve finally updated Sad Girls Club - go check it out! I’ll be updating Blurred very soon and SGB. Till then read, comment + vote. 
          N x


Hello people!
          I’m back and writing the penultimate chapter of Blurred! I know I said I was going to start writing in June but I’ve started my A-Levels so I’ve been settling into them and getting used to the work load. 
          I’ll hopefully be writing over the Christmas break and into the New Year so there will be new chapters of Blurred and Sad Girls Club up soon!
          Thank you for everyone’s patience - I know I’ve not updated in ages!
          N x