Hey, I've been seeing a lot of people (irl and on the internet) feeling really bad lately.
I just want you guys to know that it's okay! I know I have no Idea what you're going through, but I do know that you will get through it.
You may have had a rough past, or have some rough stuff happening to you right now,
But what matters is how you choose to go about that In the future. You can decide to let it all get to you, to let the sadness and depression take over you're whole being, to bend down, submissive to the demons in the world and the demons in your head.
That's the easy way, but the most destructive way to go about this. You'll only hurt yourself further.
You could choose to rise up.
You could choose to be strong, to fight those toxic entities, to know that you are stronger than what others are telling you, or what you're telling yourself.
You could tell yourself that you are worth fighting for, and you deserve happiness, you deserve to feel good about yourself, you don't deserve to be guilty and depressed and half out of your mind.
You deserve love.
You have value.
You are so, so important.
You just have to realize that.
I love you all, and stay strong.
- Quinn