Hi all, long time no see! For all of you who have been reading Yellow over the years, I've posted a long-awaited update chapter on where and how the story will be continuing -- I'll repost it here: Hi everyone, These past few months have been crazy and difficult, also boring, so I thought I would log back into this account which I haven't visited in nearly 4 years. And it amazed me that there are still people adding Yellow to their reading lists, voting, and commenting, especially because I have always been so inconsistent in updating, and I felt it only right to give you guys (or, whoever is still interested in this story after so long!) a little update on where I am in editing this as I said in my other author's note a long time ago. Long story short, I'm rewriting Yellow for the third ish time now, and I'm nearly done this draft, which is quite different from the original, but I feel is more in tune with where I wanted this story to be when I started writing it at 15. And for anyone who happens to read this, I just wanted to see if anyone would be interested in me posting the new version of Yellow on here as a new story. I would love to share it with you all. If so, please let me know ! All in all, thank you for all your sweet responses on this story over the years, it really has a special place in my heart and I'm so glad people connect with it even though I wrote it when I was much younger and probably pretty embarrassing. I wish you all the best -- stay safe in this crazy pandemic we're experiencing and be kind to yourselves <3 Sending lots of love, Jenn

@wonder1238 i would like to see the new draft (: if you're ready to share it tho, no rush.