Okay. So I want to thank my LOVELY 17 followers for sticking with me and my ill attempts at writing. ._o Meh loves chu guys for that. It's been a while since I've actually DID anything on this site besides a random comment for a fic and I just wanted to say "Hey!!!" Ya know, let you guy's know I'm alive and all. I am...or was (life kind of threw a fastball at me) actually hammering out a few plots while (trying my damndest) to help a friend out with a fic of their own. My life is super busy right now and I won't go in to the details but almost all of my stories are put on hold atm... Most of which I've never posted so heh. No need to worry there.
Anyyoai, I love you guy's and please stick with me. I'll be post some thing soon if rl allows it.
Much love ~ CeCe