


Hearing about Seunghan coming back felt like everyone had hope within the kpop community, and now seeing that he's gone from the group for good to protect his members made me so mad because SM only listened to crazy sociopathic korean fans but cater the group as a "Global Boy Group" without even caring of what their international fanbase (which has the largest percentage of their fanbase) will say. Knowing that Seunghan was loved by many and SURELY real briize were happy the same as the riize members when it was announced that he will be back. 
          Sending thousands of funeral wreaths outside of the company just because your idol had a life before becoming a kpop idol just doesn't make sense, especially if you who prioritizes your crazy parasocial relationship with a celebrity without boundaries just don't care about what your idols would think of you.
          This is so disappointing, fans only had 2 days of happiness then we go back to having none of him because of bullying. What's crazier is that he's garnering more hate than those kpop idols who literally have the publicity and actual list of crimes committed that are against the law. Seunghan did nothing wrong and certainly did not do something that is against society's social norms other than being a teenager!
          Crazy Kfans knew SM was a shitty weak company when it came to protecting their idols so they were just as happy to see him walk out of the company after being prepared to be with the members for their schedules on November and onwards. Fans and Idols could have had a win with the situation but this is just beyond deranged and insufferable.
          I hope Seunghan, Riize members, and his parents heal completely from what's happening. I'm so sorry for him, he deserves the biggest apology because crazy deranged kfans never learn!!
           #SMSupportsBullying #RIIZEIS7 #BRINGBACKRII7E #RII7E_or_NONE #FVCKYOUSM