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A couple of announcements 1)Happy Birthday Scarlett and Mark❤️ 2)me and my cousin pulled an al nighter and now I seriously think I’ve got worse mental health issues since school started. 3)I’m updating books but I don’t think I’ll be able to update as frequently until my next school holiday which starts in 24/25 days and I’ll be off for two weeks so from the 17/18th of December to 5th of January 2021 butt I’ve got all my books planned out and some of them I’m writing up on paper first since that’s how I make sure my stories make sense. 4)Are people getting my announcements because I feel like they aren’t 5)And lastly. Don’t bully people or let people bully other people because it can have a huge toll too someone’s life. In Y5 a girl used to try and take all my friends away and she once threatened to kill me writing on the mud part of the hill just above the wall we had “I will get you Chloe” then despite her trying to bully and Kill me I didn’t tell anyone only people who were out on the playground knew but then a friend told his mam then it made its way back to my family then I got asked to invite Lainey to my sleepover despite my request to invite Lucie(who was my best friend at the time but moved away)and then Lainey almost put a hole through my wall. She also thinks we’re good friends when me and part of my friend group say stuff about someone as a joke but she then tells them as if it’s not a joke even tho she knows it is. Like last week she told Harriet that my Lesbian best friend was flirting with her boyfriend and told Leah how we thought that she ignores us from time to time and don’t say anything if your going to go to the other half of the friend group. That had a huge toll in the group because they ignored everyone in the other half but me because I wasn’t on anyone’s side. But the fact that they believed Lainey over me just shocks me.And I’ve had numerous suicide attempts and I cut my wrists. So please don’t let people bully people or be bully.Bye❤️