@iamalwaysaHottest Omgsh can I not just see your post after my paragraph message to you , lol sorry ! You don't know how much I get you right now, I feel the same about the Korean Stars I like ,you know how I like Nichkhun right ? Well I still refuse to watch his season of we got married because , I feel extremelly unease !!! Omg & yes Taecyeon's drama? I'm so up to date on that I wait every Tuesdays and Wednesdays for gooddrama to upload the new episode ! I like Miss A too :D ,I like GLAM , I got into them from watching Monstar, I like Apink too, because I totally adore Eunji , from her drama Reply 1997. OMG have you started watching the new drama TWO WEEKS ? - yaaaay finally my kpop buddy is back, lol. BTW , just curious what culture are you?