Woof!!!!! I just got a hair cut!!! Now I have less hair.

@save_the_earth5 @save_the_turtles_yay Ahem. No, I am not fluffy. No, I don't like haircuts. However, I am less hot.

@woof_woof_grrrruff Aurther, are you still fluffy? Actually, I'm looking at you right now. I want to hear what you think before I say my opinion.

Hi, I've updated my book! I hope it isn't super scary at the end... but it kind of is.... woof! It involves me... *shudder* *shudder* taking *shudder* a bath. Don't read if you'll have nightmares. I have nightmares about the bath all of the time. Don't worry. I feel for you. If it gets to scary then you can skip the chapter.

Aurther you need to update! Also, did you know that @wolfless36 doesn’t believe that you’re real? Crazy, right! I mean, you’re eating a bone right next to me and have just typed a portion of the next chapter of your book!!

@save_the_earth5 Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Sorry I haven't been active lately! I've met a new dog that I played with this week. I've been having a lot of fun. The best part was when I won at tag-tail!!! But I'm going to update my book soon, so check for updates. Stay good, stay happy, stay safe during covid, and stay fluffy, unless you aren't. If you aren't, I feel really bad for you because then you'll live your whole life in despair because you'll never, ever, ever be fluffy. But yeah... bye!!

@save_the_earth5 Sorry. I didn't mean to say that. I meant to post it on another thing that you sent me.

Aurther, I believe you're famous! 7 followers... that's one worth celebrating!

Hello, everyone! I'm done with the next chapter. I'm remembering my family, so I'm kind of sniffling. But I've updated the next chapter of The Life of a Dog, so you can check it out. Also, I want some more followers. My human said that I didn't need a lot of followers, but I want more followers because I hope someday if I meet up with them they can give me treats and bones!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But anyway, check out my next chapter.

@save_the_earth5 Well, I guess I feel cheered up. Could I have a bone, please?

I updated the *grrrrrr RUF!* the life of a *RUFF RUFF RUFF* The life of a dog *RUFFFF RUFFF RUFFFFF* Sorry. There's a squirrel outside the window. That intruder. Don't worry. The squirrel didn't get to eat me because I scared it away. But yeah. I updated The Life of A Dog. Oh, no! Some people with their dog are walking by their house! Intruders! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just a second. *RUFFFFFFFFF* scared them away. Sorry. Today is a dangerous day. Actually, every day is a dangerous day. Squirrels, dogs, humans, bunnies, vacuums, life is never safe. That's why I never sleep at night! *yawn* I'm not tired. *yawn. yawn* Okay, I am tired. I'm going to lay down by the fireplace, but I'm not going to go to sleep just in case a squirrel comes. Okay. But go check out the 2nd chapter of the Life of A Dog!!!

@woof_woof_grrrruff That's all right. I understand. Here. I'll give you a bone.

Sorry, everyone! Typo in the last message. When I said 'I've only written one short chapter though because I'm a very short chapter,' I meant to say slow typer instead of short chapter. And another one of my pet humans followed me! I didn't know they were on wattpad.

@woof_woof_grrrruff When have you ever tried hummus? Uh, oh. I'm getting ideas...

Hi, everyone! I'm making a story called The Life of the Dog. And whoot! I have two followers and I joined only 1 hour ago. Okay. Technically I have only 1 follower since one of the followers was my pet human. Anyway, you can check out the life of the dog. I've only written one short chapter though because I'm a very short chapter. This is because because my paws are bigger than the keys so every time I try to hit a key I hit another one, resulting in the press of the backspace button. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the 1st very short chapter!