
This time around, the barkeeper hears the memory of a sister. Another chapter of TOFD<3


the beginning of this month i turned twenty and with that followed a month worth of not only a heavy existential crisis but also a deep identity crisis as well. i have never felt as meaningless as i have done these past weeks and the weeks leading up to my twentieth birthday. i do not know what to do with my life or how i am supposed to live it with an anxiety level the same as a cheetah and lately, i've felt a crushing fear that i will always be too scared to walk alone in public. now i have been twenty for twenty-one days and i have decided that while i don't know what to do with my life i will try to keep my focus solely on eating strawberries and wearing cute clothes and collecting cute mugs and laugh with my friends and go for walks. hopefully my twenties will be a little less about my mental illness and a little more about the small joys of being alive<3


more than half a year and it's here everything i've feared since then: the prologue of my little lesbian angsty voicemail-centered book<3


this one is just for fun, so if it sounds like there has been done no research then it is because there has, in fact, been done no research<3 i sat down and wrote two lesbians fighting and laughing and that is all i let myself focus on and now it is one step closer to becoming yours. If you decide to check it out, thank you for trusting me with your time<3