
Hello, guys, I'm back!
          	"Inspired" because today is Valentine's Day in my home country, I decided to share one of my old poems about Benjamin. 
          	Hope you like it! (It is in Portuguese, this time)
          	Oi, gente
          	Acabei voltando para o Wattpad hoje, meio que inspirada pelo Dia dos Namorados que está sendo comemorado. 
          	Eu deveria estar estudando, mas eu queria pelo menos compartilhar um dos meus poemas antigos sobre o Benjamin. Eu acabei vendo ele hoje e por toda esse simbolismo de data, eu quis simbolizar esse fim.
          	Espero que curtam!


Hello, guys, I'm back!
          "Inspired" because today is Valentine's Day in my home country, I decided to share one of my old poems about Benjamin. 
          Hope you like it! (It is in Portuguese, this time)
          Oi, gente
          Acabei voltando para o Wattpad hoje, meio que inspirada pelo Dia dos Namorados que está sendo comemorado. 
          Eu deveria estar estudando, mas eu queria pelo menos compartilhar um dos meus poemas antigos sobre o Benjamin. Eu acabei vendo ele hoje e por toda esse simbolismo de data, eu quis simbolizar esse fim.
          Espero que curtam!


          "Four Years", (also know as "Vincent"), my poetry collection, is now today with 100 votes!! And more than 2700 reads! 
          Thank you for your support, guys. I love to read your feedback during all these years.
          More works are on the way, in English and Portuguese, don't worry :)
          "Four Years" (também conhecido como "Vincent" chegou hoje a 100 votos e mais de 2700 leituras! 
          Muito obrigada pelo apoio, gente. Adoro ler o feedback de vocês durante esses anos.
          Mais obras vão sair, em português e em inglês, não se preocupem! :)


Hello, everyone!
          I know the main theme today is Game of Thrones, but I just wanna tell you guys that I published today a new poem! 
          It's called "Feelings" and since it's been so much time since I wrote a poem that wasn't about Vincent or Peter, it's quite important to me. And I think it's one of the biggest I ever wrote. There are more than 500 words!
          I hope you can check it out! 
          Kisses from somewhere that is far from the inevitable winter...


Hi,guys! Last Wednesday was the fourth anniversary of me here on Wattpad and I just wanted to say in this message my appreciation and let you guys know you what is in the future! 
          A lot has changed during these years, yet I never stopped thinking this was a great place to participate and share my writings with. I think I already said, but there aren't many people that actually know that I write and even less that read my poems, so it's been great to have you and I cannot be more grateful for that. In bad times and good times, you were there for me, so thank you from the bottom of my heart from all the support, messages, votes I received!!!
          And about my works, since "Vincent" is done, "About Me And You" too and (yes, for those who finished "Vincent" know that exists one more collection of poems, but I have to tell you that since I'm not confortable enough to go back to those times yet, it will take a few more months until the publication), my other project is on the way. It's actually fiction, but based on many of my experinces, very much like "I Know". It will be a short, romantic story called "W.I." about fate, choices and love. The protagonists won't be named, my purpose with that is to everyone could feel related to them, so probably won't be physical description as well. My plan was to publish it until the end of July but since I'm having a hard time trying to write, it will probably take a few more days.
          So that's it, if you actually read all of these, you deserve a thousand of Kit Kats. ;) 
          Kisses (from a girl who actually is eating one right now shhh)


Hi, guys, I'm back!! I don't how many of you follow me since 2013, and if you remember about my book called "About Me And You", but I decided to republished it. 
          If you don't know, "AMAY" is my letters's colletion about Vincent. (The same one that inspired my poetry book) A lot of the content of those seven letters are flashbacks, so it helps understand a little why I "fell" for him and explains with more details what happened between July 2013 and February 2014. 
          That's why I'm publishing it again. I really want you to understand my story and me better. 
          I really hope you like them!
          P.S: I'm still editing, so probably there will be mistakes


And this is it! "Vincent" is finally completed. I just updated the last four poems and it feels great to close this chapter. I just wanna thank you all for the support, messages, comments during these four years. I would never think I would get 2k reads,!!! It sure means a lot. 
          Obrigada do fundo do meu coração! 


Hi, everyone, 
          Yes, I'm still alive and back to Wattpad finally!! I took my time to finish "Vincent",  so everything would be ready and set. And today is that day! Earlier today, I posted two poems and the new system that divides the poems. There are in total eights parts and the ones you already read are the first five, so there is still a long way to finish. I'll be posting Mondays to Fridays, no exception. And there is a new "Author's note", so you can read that too and of course new songs, so I would recommend to read again.  After all, if you are with me since the beginning, more commonly known as 2012, you probably forgot. That's it. Thanks for sticking up with me and I hope you like the new poems :)