Hello everyone, I am absolutely enthralled to say that I have officially finished writing “Poems of Pain and Solitude”. This poetry collection has really taken me everywhere through life and it’s been for me a way to keep going and not lose control of myself. I am so grateful for everyone one of you; your support has meant more than anything else in the world and if it weren’t for you I don’t know if I would have finished this project. I initially wanted to finish this at 100 poems but I thought that you guys devs a little treat and I added one last short ending poem that for me closes this chapter of my story. This collection is really a bit all over the place, so I’m currently working on rewriting some pieces, but for now I’ll let you enjoy the raw unedited version of it. Thank you so much for everything. I’ll see you in a while with my final version of “Poems of Pain and Solitude.” Meanwhile, other projects are calling… With love, ~Oriane